Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of EFS, EFX, SWA, EMB, EUI, SONIC, SNDT, SNDR, FAR

File Type:Ensoniq SQ80 file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:Individual Ensoniq instrument files have an extension .EF?. The third letter ? in file extension means type of Ensoniq synthesizers.
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

File Type:Ensoniq instrument file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:Individual Ensoniq instrument files universal file extension.
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

File Type:Adobe Shockwave music file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:

Adobe Shockwave (formerly Macromedia Shockwave) was Macromedia's first and most successful multimedia player prior to the introduction of Macromedia Flash (now Adobe Flash). In an attempt to raise its brand profile all Macromedia players prefixed Shockwave to their names in the late 1990s. Although this campaign was very successful and helped establish Shockwave Flash as a dominant multimedia plugin, Shockwave and Flash became more difficult to maintain as two separate products. In 2005, Macromedia marketed three distinct browser player plugins under the brand names Macromedia Authorware, Macromedia Shockwave and Macromedia Flash.

mime type: application/x-director

Open Programs:

Adobe Shockwave Player

Company / developer:
  Adobe Systems Incorporated

Shockwave Player is a browser plug-in that allows you to experience 3D games and entertainment, interactive product demonstrations, and online learning applications. Several popular games on the Internet are Shockwave games - BlackJack Poker, Redline Rumble, and Gutterball.

File Type:ABT extended module
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:16-bit mono sound format (module) contains loops, names.
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

File Type:Ensoniq ESP family compacted disk image
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:Ensoniq EPS family compacted disk image. Same as . EDA .
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

File Type:SonicArranger audio file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:Audio file created SonicArranger.
Open Programs:

Amiga Forever

Company / developer:

Amiga Forever

All editions of Amiga Forever include everything you need to run different emulation engines, operating system versions, games and demoscene productions in simple one-click steps.

The Value Edition is a relatively compact download for Windows, and includes the versions of the Amiga operating system required to run the majority (more than 95%) of games and applications.

The Plus Edition includes a complete set of ROM and operating system versions (all from 1.0 to 3.X), a wider selection of preinstalled games and demoscene productions, a gallery of items of historical interest, and additional cross-platform content.

Both the Value Edition and the Plus Edition open the doors to thousands of additional Amiga games and demos which are available for free download from software publishers and Amiga history sites alike. Furthermore, the Premium Edition bundles the Plus Edition content with two video DVDs.

File Type:Sndtool sound file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:8-bits mono sound format.
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

Do conversions from the about 260 audio related file formats that it can read (no kidding - you read that right - approximately two hundred and sixty!) into any of the 125 or so audio file formats that it can write! No other software even comes close to such a wide format support!

File Type:Sounder sound file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:8-bits mono sound format.
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

Do conversions from the about 260 audio related file formats that it can read (no kidding - you read that right - approximately two hundred and sixty!) into any of the 125 or so audio file formats that it can write! No other software even comes close to such a wide format support!

File Type:Farandole Composer music module
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:8 or 16 bit mono sound format. Contains loops, names, collections.
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

File Type:Gravis Ultrasound PnP bank file
Category:Audio and music file
File Description:The .FFF file contains all 'instrument parameters' and stuff while the accompanying .DAT file contains the actual sample data which is to be downloaded to the synth's memory. 8 or 16 bit mono sound format, contains loops, amplitude envelopes, layers, instruments, drum kits, collections.
Open Programs:

Awave Studio

Company / developer:

Awave Studio is a multi-purpose audio tool that reads a veritable host of audio carrying file formats from different platforms, synthesizers, trackers, mobile phones... you name it! It can be used in a variety of ways: as an audio file format converter, as an audio editor, an audio and MIDI player, and, last but not least, as a wavetable synthesizer instrument editor & format converter. Think of it as the swiss army knife for anyone working in digital audio or with synthesizers!

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC